Workplace Dehydration
Posted by Sqwincher on May 20th 2021
1.) ISSUES: With 75% of the American adult population chronically dehydrated, workers display the signs of dehydration such as fatigue and energy loss, mood changes, headache, dizziness, loss of focus and muscle cramps to name a few. Workers are consuming less than healthy options such as sodas, coffee or energy drinks throughout the day jeopardizing proper workplace hydration. Today, there is a growing concern for employee hydration safety.
2.) INFORMATION: Addressing workplace hydration practices has the potential to create safer workplace environments as well as boost worker productivity. Dehydration happens as the body loses more fluid than it takes in and when necessary electrolytes are not being adequately replaced. The body loses vital fluids and electrolytes from sweating, urinating, exhaling, exertion and diuretic intake. Other factors that affect hydration include an employees diet and nutrition, physical condition, alcohol consumption and employee age. Consuming sufficient amounts of water along with fluids that contain vital electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, help to conduct electricity to regulate proper nerve and muscle function which aid in the prevention of dehydration and related symptoms.
3.) SOLUTIONS: Promote proper workplace hydration practices. The most important factor is to keep cool drinking water and electrolyte replenishment beverages accessible at all times. Also, employers should provide periodic hydration trainings during safety meetings and post visual educational reminders like posters and urine color reference charts which give employees an idea on how hydrated they are. Proper hydration and well-being depends on consuming fluids at regular intervals throughout the day.
Sqwincher® Fast Pack® Mixed Berry, 50/Pack |
Sqwincher® QwikServ® Fruit Punch, 96/Pack |
4.) HIGHLIGHTS: Hydration safety that works with formulas targeted to industrial worker needs that feature low sodium and vital potassium. Great tasting hydration products in a variety of flavors, formulations and packaging options. Original, EverLyte™ and ZERO (sugar free). Single Serve Powder, Sqweeze® Pops, Powder Packs, Liquid Concentrate, Fast Pack® and Ready-To-Drink. ZERO Qwik Stik®, available in an assortment of delicious flavors are the number one selling product line to mix with bottled water or reusable water bottles. Electrolyte replenishing Sqweeze® Pops are a workplace favorite to show appreciation to employees for hard work while at the same time helping to keep them hydrated. For 5 gallon coolers, ZERO liquid Ultra Concentrate for great taste, ZERO color and ZERO sugar, followed by 2.5 gallon ZERO Powder Pack and 2.5 gallon Original Powder Pack. Sqwincher® Liquid concentrate coupled with pump spouts to mix in pre-measured cups of water is another option to hydrate workers. All that’s needed is to locate the bottles near a clean drinking water source.
5.) VALUE: Hydrating workers adds to the creation of a workplace atmosphere helping workers safely perform their daily tasks and focus on productivity. Proper hydration matters in everyone’s lifestyle, regulating core body temperature, returning nutrients for critical organ functions and flushing internal toxins out of the body. A hydrated worker is a happy worker, something that is priceless when it comes to workplace SAFETY and PRODUCTIVITY!